Coming Soon
Restaurant food and drink specials!
Cost annual membership $15
Ages up to 18 years old
The Topeka GMS Junior Rockhounds program is a certified member of the Future Rockhounds of America, a program of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies.
The NUMBER ONE goal of the Junior Rockhounds program is to reach out to as many kids as possible to encourage whatever budding interest they may have in geology, rocks, fossils, and lapidary arts.
The program consists of a series of classes and activities geared to teaching youngsters about various aspects of geoscience and lapidary arts. There are 20 different units in the program, and they cover the following activities:
Rock & Minerals
Earth in Space
The World in Miniature
Earth Resources
Gemstone Lore & Legend
Special Effects
Field Trips
Stone Age Tools & Art
Fluorescent Minerals
Lapidary Arts
Gold Panning & Prospecting
Reaching Across Generations
Earth Processes
Rocking on the Computer Maps
Plus more…….